学生形成中心使命的一个核心方面是与教师合作, 教职员工和大学院系增加了校园内的形成机会. 合作的范围往往不同. 从如何改进现有计划的建议和指导, 设计和实施全新的课程,以满足学生在特定领域的需求, 学生形成中心根据合作伙伴的需求量身定制支持. The ultimate goal of each collaboration is that the partner ultimately assumes total ownership of the program to ensure its long term sustainability. 




亚洲核心小组FFP (Freshmen 形成 Program)

This partnership mainly consisted of giving advice to student leaders who run a retreat for first year Asian students as part of the Asian Caucus. 亚洲核心小组是一个运作良好的学生组织,为学生参与者提供了大量的支持. 出于这个原因, many Asian students only participate in Asian Caucus programs and our assistance with the student leaders was meant to build a bridge to other university programs.

Partner: Asian Caucus

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Asian-Caucus-FFP


A partnership with the Learning to Learn office to redesign their Parent Orientation. 该项目旨在减少CTP家长欢迎活动和大学迎新活动之间的冗余, and to provide new ideas to CTP on how best serve the parents of their first generation students

Partner: Learning to Learn

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / ctp-parent-welcome


An overnight retreat was created for students participating in the College Transition Program (CTP). 之前的项目没有包括这种重要的初始结合经验,因此缺乏凝聚力. The one night overnight that features student talks of upperclassmen who are CTP alumni added a tremendous amount to the other parts of the established program. 

Partner: Learning to Learn

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / ctp-retreat


A mentorship program for first year students of color. 该项目旨在为有色人种学生秋季电子游戏软件时提供即时支持. 校园里有很多有色人种学生的资源, 但通常需要几周或几个月的时间来识别它们. 指南针小组从开学的第一天就开始帮助高年级学生与有色人种导师建立联系.

Partner: 第一年经验

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Compass-Program


The nurse practitioner program in the Connell School is highly intensive and has a mix of young graduate students and older adults. The 学生培养中心 helped them design a one day retreat for these students to help the two informal groups of students intermingle, 并通过邀请教师和校友演讲来提供职业识别支持.

Partner: Connell School of Nursing

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Connell-School-Nurse-Practitioner-Program


This program was designed to provide students who get in trouble a conversation partner from outside of the conduct process. 这种类型的谈话在不列颠哥伦比亚省已经非正式地进行了多年, 但“对话项目”试图提供基础设施来扩大这些对话的数量.

Partner: Office of the Dean of 学生

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Conversation-Project


A partnership with student leaders for day-long mentoring program off campus. The purpose of the program was to have 教师 and staff of color share their experiences with students and lay the foundation for longer term mentoring relationships back on campus.

Partner: Kevin Suggs (student leader)

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Ella-Baker-Mentoring


This partnership with the Institute of Advanced Jesuit Studies sought to provide infrastructure and programming support to a new pilot program for high school students. The purpose of the program was to bring high school students onto campus for a weeklong program to explore their faith through a variety of programming and exposure to BC undergraduate mentors. The 学生培养中心 helped provide logistical support and creative insight into what types of activities would work best with the participants.

Partner: Institute of Advanced Jesuit Studies

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / ever-to-excel

全球定位系统(GPS): Navigating 电子游戏正规平台生 Student Life at BC

An overnight retreat for graduate students to introduce vocational discernment since many grad students come from undergraduate institutions that do not provide that type of service. The program featured student talks highlighting the challenges of graduate student life to support first year graduate student participants and help foster community.

Partner: Office of 电子游戏正规平台生 Student Life

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 student-formation /合作/ search-tags / 全球定位系统(GPS)


This group of seminars was created for graduate students to better inform them about Jesuit education and 电子游戏软件. The thinking behind the program was that it is often graduate students who have the most contact with undergraduates when they work closely with them as retreat coordinators or service trip participants. By giving graduate students a formational experience in Jesuit education they could hopefully pass that on to undergraduate students as well as benefitting themselves in their graduate education.

Partner: 十字路口

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / 电子游戏正规平台生-Foundation-Seminars


A retreat for students in the graduate school of social work for fall 2018. The School of Social Work approached the 学生培养中心 to provide an experience for their students to help them bond and build community.

Partner: 电子游戏正规平台生 School of Social Work

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 student-formation /合作/ search-tags


Talk coaching is provided OTE Preceptors who lead all the first year OTE students during their summer program. Supporting the OTE student population is very important and the 学生培养中心 happily partners with the OTE staff to help the preceptors give effective talks.  

Partner: Thea Bowman AHANA Office

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / OTE-Preceptor-Training

圆荚体 programs

A collaboration with 教师 members for the Core renewal. 圆荚体项目有10名学生领袖,每周由15名一年级学生组成一个小组,学习6学分的气候变化课程. The purpose of the groups was to combine personal mentorship about the transition to college with intellectual mentorship on the topic of climate change.

Partner: Core Renewal Office

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags /吊舱


For many years a professor in the Theater Department, 水晶Tiala, 主持了一个项目,把对艺术感兴趣的小群学生带到当地女子监狱. The 学生培养中心 assisted in creating an infrastructure and marketing to increase the number of participants in the program.

Partner: Professor 水晶Tiala

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Prison-Arts-Outreach

R.I.D.E.: Racial Identity Development Experience

A two night retreat for students of color about racial identity that integrated an intellectual and personal approach to conversations on race. There can never be enough opportunities for students to engage in questions of race and identity and this particular program’s blend of an academic approach and a personal approach provided a unique experience for students to engage in a conversation about diversity.

Partner: Thea Bowman AHANA Student Programs

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags /骑


This collaboration involved providing support to the director and associate director of Reslife to aid in the recruitment, 救生人员的选拔和培训. The 学生培养中心 produced a recruiting video that highlighted diversity at BC and featured current ResLife personnel testimonials in an effort to boost recruiting efforts.

Partner: Associate Vice President of Reslife and Associate Director of RA 形成 and Training

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Residence-Life-Personnel


A weekend retreat for the sophomore class of the Connell School of Nursing. Dean Susan Gennaro wanted a program to build community among the nursing students and the retreat was designed to help students make connections to each other, 教师, 年轻的校友.

Partner: Connell School

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags /实习医生风云


While there are many students who identify as LGBTQ on campus, 没有真正的空间让他们讨论他们的经历和他们的身份. 学生形成中心为LGBTQ学生设计了一个静修场所,提供了这样一个空间.

Partner: Dean of 学生 Office

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags /频谱

灵性,宗教和大学 Student Experience Course

Professor Michael James, 林奇教育学院的教授, 想让本科生接触到灵性的电子游戏正规平台, 宗教, 高等教育. 学生形成中心以多种方式帮助支持学术课程, including performing marketing to get undergraduates to take the course and designing a retreat for undergraduate students in the course to kick off the academic experience.

Partner: Professor Michael James

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Spirituality-Religion-College-Student-Experience


Student on the football team have a highly demanding, 一年的课程表往往使他们无法在学年期间参加任何形式的课程. 像这样, 学生编队中心与运动员合作创建了3, 2周, 同时为每个班级的足球项目举办关于BC和波士顿历史的研讨会, 领导, 和职业. 每个班(二年级), 初中, 高年级学生)花了两周的时间听了BC大学教师和来访嘉宾的讲座, 参加工作坊, 并在波士顿及其周边地区进行实地考察,给足球运动员一个短暂的, 但是对各种形式的编程有丰富的经验.

Partner: 体育运动

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / SummerFootballProgram

Self-Knowledge and Discernment: 朝圣的经历

A 3-credit philosophy course for 10 students that takes place while walking the Camino de Santiago. 该项目旨在帮助学生在智力、社交和精神上成长. 这种独特的学术体验的目的, 这是一门3学分的课程,是在西班牙北部一条数百年历史的朝圣路线上徒步旅行时修的, was to provide an intellectual immersion experience for students seeking time and space to wrestle with big questions about themselves and their world.

Partner: Professor Jeff Bloechl and the philosophy department

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / The-Experience-of-Pilgrimage


茁壮成长 was created in partnership with the Women’s Center as a mentorship program to provide an opportunity and space for sophomore women to discuss their experience.

Partner: Women’s Center

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 student-formation /合作/ search-tags /茁壮成长


Retreat talks by students are often very powerful and instructive for student participants. 学生形成中心与学生演员合作,然后进行实际的静修会谈, 由BC学生所做的测验, 在艺术节. 这个项目的目的是将学生的经历和学生的文化联系起来, 正如撤退会谈所表达的那样, 以创新和艺术的方式.

Partner: Professor 水晶Tiala

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / Voices-of-Transformation


Xcel is a 领导 retreat for varsity athletes. 这3天, 2 night off-campus program was designed as a formational experience specifically for student athletes since their sports schedules often do not leave enough time for them to participate in many programs available to non-athletes.

Partner: 体育运动

公元前:办公室/ 任务-部 / student-formation /合作/ search-tags / xcel