公元前餐厅 places a high priority on sourcing food from producers who share our Jesuit values of integrity, 护理, 还有地球管理. 我们培育了一种文化,在这种文化中,成长的好处交织在一起, 烹饪, and sharing responsibly and ethically grown food become an integral part of the University's community experience.
该大学与当地种植者建立了合作关系, 制造商, 以及尊重和推广生态无害农业做法的供应商, 以及能够追踪产品来源的食品分销商.
Our Dining team is committed to continuing a business strategy based on high-quality food service that focuses on the principles of long-term 可持续发展的 and 公平的 development. 我们是改变大学电子游戏正规平台合作菜单的骄傲成员. 秋天的时候,我们会在科克伦公地外举办每周一次的农贸市场.
项目 & 倡议
The Green2Go program allows students to opt for a free reusable to-go container instead of paper or plastic when they are eating on the go. Green2Go containers are sturdy, easy to carry, BPA free, and made out of 50% recycled plastic. 该计划现已在Lower, 麦克尔罗伊, Stuart, Addie's和鹰的巢推出. 使用Green2Go没有前期成本. 此外,学生们在Green2Go的容器里结账时,每顿饭都可以享受10%的折扣. 点击了解更多,今天注册!
新鲜到餐桌促进公平交易, 区域, 公平的, 可持续发展的, 和健康食品通过我们的购买, 外展, 和菜单. 新鲜上桌 encourages students to eat intuitively while focusing on growing community awareness for 区域 food systems, 食物文化, 食物公平. We partner with student sustainability groups like EcoPledge and 真正的食物 and participate with them at Harvest Fest and the Earth Day Fair.
由Henry P. 肯德尔基金会
The 新鲜上桌 initiative was launched in 2017 thanks to generous funding from the Henry P. 肯德尔基金会.The 肯德尔基金会's goal is to create a resilient and healthy food system in New England by increasing the production and consumption of local, 可持续生产的食物. Only 13 percent of food in New England is grown 区域ly; the 肯德尔基金会 seeks to increase this to 50 percent by 2060.
BC餐饮公司努力减少我们的垃圾足迹. 倡议 that reduce single use plastics and combat unnecessary food waste are not only good for business, 而是作为地球的管家该做的事. 在下面了解更多.
Every dining hall has a composting bin for students to separate food and compostable dining ware as we transition from plastic to compostable.
公元前餐厅 composts 100 percent of back-of-house kitchen scraps and has expanded front-of-house composting to all main dining locations, 包括鹰巢和里昂. We partner with Save That Stuff, a Boston-based waste provider devoted to minimizing waste.
Our food scraps and compostable containers are anaerobically digested at Save That Stuff, then used to produce renewable energy and fertilizer pellets through a zero-waste process. 我们的植物纤维碗和汤杯来自世界中心, 致力于扶贫的B型企业, 在这个系统中是完全可堆肥的吗.
校园里的每个食堂都有Leanpath项目, which allows extra food to be weighed regularly in order to keep data on sources of food waste. 使用Leanpath, 我们在短短两周内就将沙拉吧的浪费减少了一半,并转移了580人,116磅从垃圾填埋场.
BC餐饮很荣幸支持每一口计数(eBC), 由学生领导的志愿者团体, 向大波士顿地区的40多家非营利组织捐赠食物. eBC成立于2005年,由食品和饮料副总监创立, 迈克尔萤石, 和莫莉·墨菲, 当时是大一新生. 多年来, eBC has worked with a variety of organizations including the Greater Boston Food Bank and the Veterans' Shelter.
Although we encourage students to Choose2Reuse by eating on 可重用的菜肴 and using the Green2Go program, we understand that many students still use disposable products when taking food to-go. 为了尽量减少纸和塑料产品对环境的影响, 我们致力于向更可持续的产品过渡. 因此, we’ve transitioned our plastic 沙拉碗 and paper soup bowls to 100% compostable materials, 哪个是无塑料的,比回收更可靠. 了解更多电子游戏软件减少塑料的努力.
所有主要餐饮地点, 包括科克兰, 麦克尔罗伊, 和斯图尔特, 为在校学生提供可重复使用的瓷器和银器. These products are washed and sanitized after each use and help reduce the amount of disposable paper products discarded at BC. 我们的目标是尽可能地扩展可重复使用的选项. 我们拯救了72人,在一个学期内减少了000个塑料碗进入废物流, 只要在麦克尔罗伊引进可重复使用的碗就行了.
Our #SaveTheForks Campaign reminds students in self-sort dining halls not to throw away or take home the metal silverware or china dishes. 目前,我们每年都要更换成千上万的盘子和银器, 是什么阻碍了我们的可持续发展. BC餐饮不是由学费资助的, so having to buy more dishes makes it much more difficult to promote reuse in the dining halls.
我们需要学生的合作来帮助我们把可重复使用的盘子留在食堂. 如果你有食堂餐盘的话, 宿舍里的碗或银器, 请将盘子归还到食堂的盘子寄存处. 为了继续我们的可持续发展计划,我们需要我们的菜肴.
Our Choose2Reuse campaign educates students about the impact of single-use paper and plastic products on the planet. Our goal is to bring awareness to the environmental footprint of single-use consumption and cultivate a culture of reuse among BC students. 我们的餐饮单元出售一系列的Choose2Reuse物品, 哪些可以在强制膳食计划中购买, 包括可重复使用的竹器皿, 布袋, 金属水瓶, 还有可折叠的金属吸管.
Our Green2Go program allows students to opt for a reusable to-go container instead of paper or plastic when they are eating on the go. Green2Go containers are sturdy, easy to carry, BPA free, and made out of 50 percent recycled plastic. For a one-time fee of $9 on the mandatory meal plan, students can use Green2Go all year long.
学生 can save money and reduce waste with 公元前餐厅’s 可多次使用的杯子 Discount Program. Bring any sized reusable mug or bottle to all self-serve stations at our dining halls and pay for only a small sized beverage for all fountain drinks, 咖啡, 茶产品. 所有的餐饮场所都有过滤水龙头,可以重新填充可重复使用的水瓶.
BC餐饮来源植物纤维卷饼碗, 沙拉碗, 还有世界中心的汤杯, a carbon-neutral company that donates 25 percent of profits to social and environmental organizations. In 2019 we switched the majority of plastic bowls and paper soup cups to plant fiber. 这些产品与我们的废物供应商Save That Stuff完全可堆肥. 通过使用世界中心的可堆肥产品, BC餐饮减少了送往垃圾填埋场的垃圾数量.
2019年春天,BC省的餐厅搬到了“视线之外”, 关于塑料吸管的政策. Straws have not been banned, but rather have been moved from the drink station to the register. 学生仍然可以在登记处索取吸管,不需要额外付费. The new policy merely removes the extra waste that comes from mindlessly grabbing a straw just because it is available and has reduced straw use by 26 percent. 通过我们的Choose2Reuse活动,我们现在出售可折叠的金属吸管.
BC餐饮订阅新英格兰食品愿景, which calls for a food future in which 50 percent of our food is sustainably produced in the region by 2060. 我们优先考虑新英格兰食品生产商种植和生产的食品, 农民, and fishing communities while also striving to support food producers around the world who contribute to a more socially just and environmentally 可持续发展的 food system. 我们使用新鲜上桌参数作为食品标准:
- 增强小农和无害环境耕作方式的权能
- 支持新英格兰的农民和企业
- 确保公平的工资和人道的动物福利做法
- 加强环境管理,同时保护生物多样性和土壤肥力
- 鼓励以植物为主的均衡饮食
电子游戏软件 Dining Services is dedicated to working with a variety of student and university groups and local partners to support sustainability initiatives across campus:
- 不列颠哥伦比亚省可持续发展办公室
- Ecopledge
- 真正的食物BC
- 可持续发展行动委员会 (由Bike BC组成, 气候正义, 本科政府BC, EcoPledge, 真正的食物, 户外俱乐部和户外探险, 和更多)
- 环境法律学会